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GRP Grating - Application & Benefits

GRP Grating - Application & Benefits

In 2017/2018, there were over 600,000 non-fatal injuries in the workplace. Flooring and floor surfaces present a significant risk of accidents in the industrial workplace and slips and trips are the most common cause of injury at work.

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 require floors to be suitable and in good condition. Personnel should be able to move around safely and perform routine tasks and specific operations with infrastructure suitable for the present risks. Equally, flooring should meet the hard-wearing impact of the industry.

At Ezi Klamp, we believe GRP grating is the solution for many applications where safety and durability are a key concern. Find out more benefits below.

What is GRP grating?

GRP grating is a structural fibreglass grating product. In application, it is a versatile, reliable and high-performance floor covering/surface and is often considered a credible alternative to traditional steel grating.

Even galvanized steel isn’t completely resistant to rust and corrosion. When steel grating comes into contact with lots of moisture or certain chemicals it can rust and corrode quickly. Corrosion compromises structural integrity and can pose a serious fall hazard for workers.

The molecular structure of GRP is manufactured to withstand forces that would weaken or compromise other materials.

grp grating supplier

How can you improve safety on site with GRP grating? 

By using GRP grating, you can actively eliminate a lot of the risks that come with using steel grating products, making it not only a more cost-effective alternative but a safer one.

The anti-slip surface helps to prevent workers from falls on site…even when wet. GRP is waterproof, meaning it can be used on exteriors, roofs and boats where surface water increases the risk of slips.

GRP grating is also non-conductive. For electrical plants and high-risk voltage areas such as railway electrification systems, non-conductive flooring prohibits the flow of electricity and prevents deadly shocks.

Glass-reinforced plastic is also chemical and corrosion-resistant. As mentioned, corrosion and decomposition can hinder structural integrity, presenting more fall risks. Where corrosives may destroy metal or wood, GRP offers corrosion resistance over a wide range of pH levels.

Fire is a hazard for all industries, but some sectors such as oil production, are at an increased risk. Iron or steel can lose integrity as a result of extreme heat but GRP does not. Its threshold of heat resistance is higher, making it a much more structurally sound and safer option.

Ezi Klamp offers GRP grating in Green, Yellow and Grey. These ‘safety colours’ are easy to notice and can indicate risk areas where precaution is necessary.

GRP grating

Where to use GRP grating? 

Our GRP grating has a typical lifespan of over 20 years and due to the durable composition, the grating won’t need to be replaced often. GRP grating is also easy to clean. The open meshes permit debris to fall through the mesh panel to prevent hazardous buildups on the walking surface.

In compliance with The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, every floor in a workplace and the surface of every traffic route in a workplace shall be kept free from obstructions and from any article or substance which may cause a person to slip, trip or fall. To maintain compliance, debris naturally falls through itself or can be easily cleaned away.

The simple installation process of GRP grating saves a considerable amount of time.

It can be fitted without heavy lifting gear/cranes or hot work /welding. Another way to cut costs and risk on site.

Our GRP gratings are designed to provide safe, long-lasting, economical and worry-free solutions across a wide range of sectors, from education to health to rail and road.

grp grating advantages

Ordering your GRP grating

Enquire about GRP grating for your application today and discover all the benefits that it has to offer.

We hold large stocks to ensure we can fulfil your needs as efficiently as possible and we pride ourselves on delivering in-stock materials quickly.

Contact the Ezi Klamp team today on 0117 970 2420 or email sales@eziklampsystems.com

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First Published: 23/12/2019 (Updated 24/04/2023)
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